
feedONE is an initiative of Convoy of Hope and is aimed at combating hunger across the globe. Based on Mother Theresa’s quote “If you can’t feed 100 people then just feed one,” feedONE works to provide nutritious food, clean water, and education to communities in need.

Vox United

Vox United is an international non-profit organization working in sub-Saharan Africa. Our process revolves around collaborating with exemplary organizations and local community leaders to establish effective, sustainable responses to poverty and disease.

Good St.

Good St. is a subscription charity program making charitable giving easy and meaningful. Users select a daily donation starting at 25¢, and then receive an email every morning with an overview of two charities addressing the 'Cause of the Day' in different ways. By clicking, partipants direct a donation to the charity of choice. Every day is something different! Whether it's medical, economic, social, environmental, and more, Good St. gives to important causes around the world.

Cultivate Wines

Wines with a Why. Our business is wine, our mission is a fuller life for all. Making great wines, giving away 10% of sales, encouraging all to Cultivate Life.

Rainbow World Fun

Rainbow World Fund is an international humanitarian aid charity based in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and friends community.

Charity Bribes

Charity Bribes is a platform that allows anyone to create a bribe for a celebrity to do something awesome. Anyone can pledge money to that bribe and, if the celebrity takes the bribe and accomplishes the challenge within 30 days, the money goes to the charity indicated.

Donate a Photo

Donate a Photo is a mobile app from Johnson & Johnson, which donates $1 to a worthy cause for each photo shared. Through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson hopes to raise more awareness for the causes that need help and connect people to nonprofits, helping everyone make an even bigger difference.

Water is Life

The mission of WATERisLIFE is to provide life giving water solutions. Our goals are to provide both short-term temporary and long-term sustainable water solutions in developing countries.

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience.
Through this website, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities.  You can also pay it forward with Good Cards® - gift cards for charity that can be redeemed as a donation to more than 1 million charities.

Comfort Socks

Comfort Socks is a public charity that gives new socks to homeless shelters and non-profits who primarily serve the homeless population all across the United States. Yes, new socks help with the obvious health problems that exist for a homeless person's feet. Our mission is one of Comfort.


DoGoodBuyUs is a marketplace for Goods that Do Good, featuring the best socially responsible products. We believe that the world can't change until consumerism does. That's why we created the largest marketplace of charity-made products. Changing the world starts with what we buy.

One World Futbol Project

One World Futbol Project brings the transformative power of play to youth worldwide by making, selling and distributing the One World Futbol, the world’s first ultra-durable soccer ball that never needs a pump, never goes flat, and is designed to survive the harshest environments. For every One World Futbol purchased through our Buy One, Give One model, One World Futbol Project gives a second ball to organizations working with youth in disadvantaged communities worldwide.
Collaborating with sponsors, organizations and individuals, One World Futbol Project delivers balls to disadvantaged communities where play and sport are used to foster social change. In 2012, Chevrolet became our founding sponsor, pledging to support the donation and distribution of 1.5 million One World Fubols over three years.


Wearelucky is the story gallery of individuals, all randomly picked and given a £1,000 each to do good. 
The philanthropist is an anonymous person, who suddenly came into a stupendous amount of money. Instead of taking a luxury, once-in-a-lifetime trip to outer space, as he originally planned, he decided to pay it forward - giving away £1,000 every day.

People United

People United is a creative laboratory.  We explore how the arts and creativity can inspire kindness and social change.  We commission artists, create imaginative new work, develop research and support new social initiatives.  From beach huts and bingo halls to high streets, schools and offices; our work links artists, academics, policy-makers, community leaders and the general public in exploring how to grow a more caring society.

Build Africa

Build Africa currently supports 100,000 people in rural Kenya and Uganda through both education and community enterprise programmes. By improving teacher training and school resources, we ensure that children receive the quality education they need for their long-term development. At the same time we support savings and loans groups, entrepreneurial skills training and other initiatives to help families secure sustainable, productive livelihoods.